Monday, January 14, 2013

BBQ Chicken Pizza with Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Pin It For ages I have seen recipes for this and thought it was something I would like to try making... it is also one of those recipes I put off making for some reason.  Tonight on the way home from work I was craving pizza...but the only carby/crust-like thing I had in the house for a crust was whole wheat Wonder Bread...not exactly enticing!  BUT I had a fresh head of cauliflower... so here it goes...

The recipe I chose was by Brittany Mullins over at Eating Bird Food.  I made her recipe for Healthy Pizza with a Cauliflower Crust.  As I always do with recipes, I made some modifications.  I did not have basil or oregano in the cupboard...but if you know me well, I do have a TON of Epicure spices :)  OF COURSE!  I actually used the brand new Seasoning for Pizza Oven Fries as well as Roasted Garlic.  I baked the crust on my Epicure baking sheet using my silicone baking mat.  In hindsight, I should have realized two things - one - cheese and eggs are very sticky, so it did stick a tiny bit to the mat...not a huge deal, but the second thing I realized is that the silicone baking mats are not to be used under the broiler... so I then had to transfer the crust to a broiler-safe pan (my brand new Epicure Crisper pan!!!! Check out the space-age design of it!)  In the end it worked out OK, but next time I will probably just bake it on the baking sheet on parchment paper as Brittany suggested in the recipe :)  I'm afraid using the Crisper pan with the raw dough would be a disaster as the dough itself is quite soft and a bit "oozy" :)  

The flavour overall was GREAT!  I am a bit concerned over how well it will reheat.  I am thinking it might be a bit like re-heated mashed potatoes...but I could be wrong.  I'll find out tomorrow night when I have the leftovers for supper!  If you are a die-hard, true pizza eater who insists on eating your pizza by hand, then this is not the crust for you.  It is truly a fork (and if you want to get fancy, a knife!) kinda pizza.  I topped mine with Bulls Eye BBQ sauce, chicken, peppers, onions and mushrooms (pre-sauteed) and a bit more cheese.  I ate half of the pizza (it was about a 9" crust I'd say).

Stay tuned for tomorrow when I will write my "true confessions" about what I ate over the holidays...